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Migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs) are essential to our state's agricultural (Ag) industry. Our workforce solutions centers are dedicated to supporting Ag employers and workers who are looking for opportunities in the Ag sector. Let us connect you to what you need to succeed!

The Wagner-Peyser Act (as amended by Title III of WIOA) provides the foundation for Ag worker safeguards through the Employment Service (ES) program available through our Workforce Solutions Offices throughout our great state.

State Monitor Advocate System

Learn more about the State Monitor Advocate System which ensures equitable services to MSFWs, outreach and access to the complaint system. 

The State Monitor Advocate System was established to ensure Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFWs) are treated fairly. And that they are provided the same opportunities for jobs and career growth as other workers. The system includes State and Regional level monitor advocates. All working together and with guidance provided by a National Monitor Advocate. 


  • Employers that need Ag workers - ETA 790B form for posting agricultural job orders within the Agricultural Recruitment System 
  • Complaint form - ETA Form 8429 for filing complaints 
  • Employment Service and Employment-Related Law Complaint System Poster – ETA approved

Texas State Monitor Advocate

Our Texas State Monitor Advocate (SMA) works diligently to achieve the goals set by our regional and national partners. The role of the SMA is key to ensure compliance with federal regulations, such equal access to services that are available to non-MSFWs. That MSFWs are not discriminated in any way. The SMA monitors each job center for compliance and gives guidance. The SMA also advocates for improved services to MSFWS such as: 

  • Finding MSFWs who are not being reached by the normal intake activities of the workforce solutions centers. In other words, MSFW outreach. 
  • Boosting awareness of agricultural jobs available through the Agricultural Recruitment System 
  • Increasing the number of employers utilizing the Agricultural Recruitment System 
  • Identifying and removing roadblocks that prevent MSFWs from getting good jobs 
  • Providing up-skilling programs to help MSFWs qualify for even better-paying jobs 
  • Teaming up with other organizations that support MSFWs  
  • Creating awareness and keeping an eye out for exploitation and illegal practices that might target MSFWs 

By tackling these issues, the SMA helps ensure a level playing field for MSFWs. Giving them the same opportunities and support as everyone else.